Cargo theft is a major problem for businesses that ship goods around the world. It can be difficult to protect shipments from theft, but one way to do so is by using ISO 17712 seals. These seals are designed to provide an extra layer of security for shipments, making it more difficult for thieves to access them.
ISO 17712 seals are tamper-evident seals that are used to secure cargo containers and other shipments. They are made from a variety of materials, including metal, plastic, and paper. The seals are designed to be difficult to break or tamper with, and they are marked with a unique serial number that can be tracked.
When a shipment is sealed with an ISO 17712 seal, it is much more difficult for thieves to access the contents. The seals are designed to be difficult to break or tamper with, and they are marked with a unique serial number that can be tracked. This makes it easier for businesses to identify any stolen goods and take action to recover them.
In addition to providing an extra layer of security, ISO 17712 seals also help businesses comply with international regulations. Many countries require that shipments be sealed with an ISO 17712 seal before they can be imported or exported. This helps to ensure that goods are not stolen or tampered with during transit.
Overall, ISO 17712 seals are an effective way to protect shipments from theft. They provide an extra layer of security and help businesses comply with international regulations. By using these seals, businesses can help to reduce the risk of cargo theft and protect their shipments.