ISO 17712 is an international standard for secure shipping that is used to protect goods from tampering and theft. It is a set of guidelines that provide a secure and reliable way to identify and track shipments. The standard is used by many companies around the world to ensure that their goods are safe and secure during transit.
ISO 17712 seals are an important part of secure shipping. They are used to provide a physical barrier between the contents of a package and the outside world. The seals are designed to be tamper-evident, meaning that if someone attempts to open the package, the seal will be broken and the contents will be exposed. This makes it much more difficult for thieves to access the contents of a package without being detected.
The seals are also used to provide a unique identifier for each package. This allows companies to track their shipments and ensure that they are delivered to the correct destination. The seals can also be used to verify the authenticity of a package, as they are difficult to counterfeit.
ISO 17712 seals are an important part of secure shipping. They provide a physical barrier between the contents of a package and the outside world, making it much more difficult for thieves to access the contents. They also provide a unique identifier for each package, allowing companies to track their shipments and verify the authenticity of a package. By using ISO 17712 seals, companies can ensure that their goods are safe and secure during transit.