Obtaining ISO 17712 certification for security seals involves a comprehensive process designed to ensure the quality, reliability, and effectiveness of these seals in securing cargo containers and preventing tampering during transportation. ISO 17712 is an international standard that sets the requirements for mechanical seals used on containers for international shipping.
1. Understanding ISO 17712:
To begin the certification process, it’s crucial to thoroughly understand the requirements outlined in the ISO 17712 standard. This standard specifies three levels of security seals: “H” for high-security seals, “S” for indicative security seals, and “I” for indicative seals. The certification process focuses on high-security seals, which are intended to offer the highest level of protection against tampering and unauthorized access.
2. Manufacturer Preparations:
Manufacturers seeking ISO 17712 certification must first ensure that their security seals comply with the technical specifications outlined in the standard. This involves designing seals that are tamper-evident, durable, and resistant to manipulation. Manufacturers should have a robust quality management system in place to ensure consistent production and adherence to specifications.
3. Testing and Verification:
One of the critical steps in obtaining ISO 17712 certification is to subject the security seals to rigorous testing. This testing includes physical assessments to determine the seals’ strength, tamper resistance, and effectiveness. The seals must demonstrate their ability to withstand various forms of tampering, such as cutting, twisting, and manipulation. Additionally, the seals’ materials, locking mechanisms, and markings are thoroughly examined to ensure they meet the standard’s requirements.
4. Documentation and Records:
During the certification process, manufacturers are required to create and maintain detailed documentation and records. This includes specifications, design drawings, testing results, and quality control procedures. These documents serve as evidence of compliance and are reviewed by certification bodies.
5. Certification Body Selection:
Manufacturers must choose an accredited certification body to assess their compliance with ISO 17712. Accreditation ensures that the certification body is competent and impartial in evaluating the manufacturer’s adherence to the standard’s requirements.
6. Application and Evaluation:
The manufacturer submits an application to the chosen certification body. The certification body then conducts an on-site evaluation, which includes reviewing the manufacturer’s documentation, conducting audits of their quality management system, and performing physical tests on the security seals. This evaluation aims to determine whether the manufacturer’s processes and products align with the ISO 17712 requirements.
7. Corrective Actions:
If any non-conformities or issues are identified during the evaluation, the manufacturer must implement corrective actions to address these deficiencies. This could involve modifying production processes, improving quality control procedures, or adjusting seal designs to meet the standard’s specifications.
8. Certification Issuance:
Once the certification body is satisfied that the manufacturer’s security seals meet all the requirements of ISO 17712, they issue the certification. This certification is typically valid for a specified period, during which regular audits may be conducted to ensure continued compliance.
9. Ongoing Compliance:
To maintain ISO 17712 certification, manufacturers must uphold the standard’s requirements throughout their production processes. This includes consistently producing security seals that meet the specified criteria, adhering to quality control measures, and promptly addressing any non-conformities that arise.
obtaining ISO 17712 certification for security seals involves a comprehensive process of understanding the standard, preparing manufacturing processes, testing and verification, documentation, evaluation by a certification body, corrective actions, and ongoing compliance. This certification ensures that the security seals are of high quality, tamper-evident, and suitable for securing cargo containers during international shipping, thereby contributing to the safety and integrity of global trade.